MA Communication Pathology, MRCSLT, PgDip Auditory Verbal Therapy, LSLS Cert. AVT®

Louise is dually trained as a Speech-Language Therapist and Audiologist, having earned her master's degree from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. After a year working in a government hospital in South Africa, she moved to the UK, where she lived for 12 years. During this time, she spent 7 years specialising in audiology and speech and language therapy within the National Health Service (NHS) and Local Authorities (LA) in Scotland, London, and Bristol. There, she trained to become a Highly Specialised Speech and Language Therapist for children with hearing loss and completed her postgraduate diploma in Auditory Verbal Therapy with distinction from Aston University.

Louise worked at Auditory Verbal UK (AVUK) for 5 of her 12 years in the UK, where she was mentored towards achieving her LSLS Cert. AVT® certification. Currently residing in South Africa, Louise leads Auditory Verbal UK's training programs, supports the clinical team, mentors professionals, and frequently travels internationally to lecture and provide training. She also runs a private practice supporting a small caseload of families from the Johannesburg Implant Program and is an active member of the Rehabilitation Task Team (RTT) of the South African Cochlear Implant Group (SACIG).

Working hours:

Louise works remotely from South Africa and travels to the UK annually

Tuesday - Thursday:

o  Core hours (Nov-April): 06:00 - 11:30, with flexible hours for the rest of the week

 Core hours (April-Nov): 07:00 - 12:30, with flexible hours for the rest of the week



    Clark, F., Ashton, L., Kenely, N., Hogan, S. (2021). International Telepractice for therapy and training – Auditory Verbal UK’s Perspective.  Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups

    Quayle, R.E., Ashton, L. & Estabrooks, W. (2020). The Development of Play and Auditory-Verbal Therapy. IN Estabrooks, W., McCaffrey Morrison, H. & Maclver-Lux, K.  Auditory-Verbal Therapy Science, Research and practice. Plural Publishing Inc.

    Estabrooks, W., Maclver-Lux, K., Ashton, L. & Quayle, R.E, (2020). The Auditory-Verbal Session: Planning, Delivery and Evaluation. IN Estabrooks, W., McCaffrey Morrison, H. & Maclver-Lux, K.  Auditory-Verbal Therapy Science, Research and practice. Plural Publishing Inc.

    Ashton, L. & Clark, F. (2017). Turning Pages Through the Ages: Acceleration progress through interactive book sharing. British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Association Magazine, September 2017. ISSN 1336-0799.

    Ashton, L. & Gazeley, K. (2017). The Parent Journey. British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Association Magazine, May 2017. ISSN 1336-0799.

    MacIver-Lux, Lim, S.R., Rhoades, E.A., Robertson, L., Quayle. R. & Honck. (2016). Milestones in Auditory-Verbal Development: Auditory Processing Speech, Language, Emergent Literacy ,  Play and Theory of Mind in Estabrooks, W., MacIver-Lux, K. & Rhoades, E.A. (Ed), Auditory Verbal Therapy For Young Children with Hearing loss and Their Families and the Practitioners Who Guide Them (pp219-262). Plural Publishing Inc.

    Estabrooks, W., MacIver-Lux, K., Honck, L. & Quayle. R. (2016). Blueprint of and Auditory-Verbal Therapy Session in Estabrooks, W., MacIver-Lux, K. & Rhoades, E.A. (Ed), Auditory Verbal Therapy For Young Children with Hearing loss and Their Families and the Practitioners Who Guide Them (pp 341-350). Plural Publishing Inc.

    Estabrooks, W., Honck, L., Tannebaum-Katsaggelos, S., de Melo, M.E., Clem, B.C., Sindrey, D., Katz, L.,  MacIver-Lux, K & Steacie, P. (2016). Auditory Verbal Therapy in Action: Step-by-Step Session Plans in Estabrooks, W., MacIver-Lux, K. & Rhoades, E.A. (Ed), Auditory Verbal Therapy For Young Children with Hearing loss and Their Families and the Practitioners Who Guide Them (pp 351-472). Plural Publishing Inc.

    Email: [email protected] 

    LinkedIn: Louise Honck

    Facebook: Louise Avuk