Cole's Story When Cole’s hearing loss was picked up at his new born hearing screening his parent’s felt like their world had been turned upside down and didn’t want to acknowledge the “devastating news”. Mum Lori explained: “I began frantically googling for any information and help we could find. I came across Auditory Verbal UK very early and we came along when Cole was just four months old. “The shock of finding out Cole had hearing loss was devastating but after finding AVUK and seeing how other children had advanced we knew everything was going to be OK.” Now four years old Cole is flourishing and Lori describes his speech as “phenomenal” Cole and his family spent three years on the Auditory Verbal programme attending sessions at the AVUK centre in Bicester. Lori said: “When we first started our sessions with Cole at 4 months it seemed strange with him being so small. But we learned a lot and had all of our questions answered and we soon started seeing the results from all the hard work we were putting in. The techniques we learned became second nature to us at home and we were using them and still do without even realising. “I know it sounds dramatic but finding AVUK was truly life-changing. They have supported us in such a wonderful way and answered all our questions – and I can tell you I’ve had a lot.” When the global coronavirus pandemic hit the Tappy family were faced with home schooling of Cole and his older brother George and their AVUK sessions continued online. Despite concerns the sessions worked extremely well and Cole continued making fantastic progress. And in September Cole graduated from the AVUK programme and continues going from strength to strength. Lori said: “He’s settled well at his new school and is doing great with his phonics. He has been signed off by Speech and Language Therapist and is scoring above average for his age for his language skills. Cole and George are very close and George is especially protective of his brother. Lori said: “He tells people that Cole’s ears were quiet when he was born and he needs to wear hearing aids to help, just like some people need to wear glasses. We are so proud of Cole and George. Now Cole’s speech is just phenomenal. It has taken a lot of effort and support but it has been worth it. Cole has taken everything in his stride and we don’t speak to him or treat him any differently. The help from AVUK has just been amazing.” Read more about Cole and the fantastic support AVUK has received from the Tappy family in particular Dad, Duncan who has proudly worn our logo on his racing kit. Manage Cookie Preferences