Include your name and address

MPs will often reply to the letters and emails they receive. So be sure to include your name and address, so they know where to send a response.


Tell your story

It’s important that you tell your family’s personal story and how AVUK has supported you. Including this helps promote your cause as MPs are sent hundreds of letters a week from constituents and it’s important that yours stands out!


Paint the full Picture

It’s also important to highlight the great work that AVUK does across the UK and highlight what AVUK is trying to further achieve. We’ve put together some sample text that illustrates what we do that you might like to include:

All deaf children should have the same opportunities in life as hearing children. Early support should be available for all deaf children whether their parents choose to communicate with spoken language, sign supported spoken language, British Sign Language or both. It is vital that support is family-centred and that parents/carers are able to make informed choices about the communication approach for their child and to be able to access the support that is right for them. 

There are around 7,200 deaf children under the age of 5 in the UK who face a lifetime of disadvantage without access to skilled early support. At current estimates, they are predicted to have lower academic achievement, lower employment prospects and to be at higher risk of bullying, social exclusion and poor mental health. By ensuring families have access to support they need, we can tackle the root causes of this disadvantage and transform outcomes for thousands of deaf children across the UK


Link them to the Hear Us Now Homepage

In addition to the facts and figures you could include below, you can link them to the Hear Us Now Homepage at- and the campaign's launch video at- 


Let us know!

Be sure to let us know that you contacted your MP at [email protected]