Gwen Carr Gwen Carr BA (Hons), Dip Ed Deaf, FRCA Gwen Carr is an Independent Consultant in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) and an Hon. Senior Research Associate at the University College London Ear Institute. A qualified Teacher of the Deaf specialising in Early Years communication development and pre-school family support, she was for many years Head of Sensory Services in a Metropolitan Authority, before becoming Director of UK Services and Deputy CEO at the National Deaf Children’s Society. Passionate about the opportunities for deaf children afforded by early identification and intervention, Gwen then joined the NHS as Deputy Director of the England Newborn Hearing Screening Programme and subsequently became National Programmes Lead for antenatal and newborn screening for Public Health England. Following retirement from PHE, Gwen now works as an EHDI research and training consultant at home and overseas. She currently serves as a member of the Wales Newborn Hearing Screening Quality and Clinical Governance board, the Executive Committee of FCEI (Family Centred Early Intervention) International, The Coalition of Global Hearing Health Care Pathways Working Group and the Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators Group. Manage Cookie Preferences