Lyndsey Allen, Auditory Verbal Therapist Graduating as a Speech and Language Therapist in 1998, Lyndsey’s spent 25 years learning about child development and supporting families to get better outcomes for their children. She’s worked across public, private, and charitable sectors in both clinical and leadership roles, cementing an international reputation as a speaker and trainer. A LSLS Certified Auditory Verbal Therapist since 2008 and PRINCE 2 qualified project manager, she has a distinctive skill set of clinical and business skills. She’s currently working across 3 different organisations. As conference director for ASLTIP (Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice), as clinician and consultant for her independent practice THINK TALK and LEARN, and with AVUK across both training and clinical teams. When she’s not working you might find her pulling some shapes on a yoga mat or hanging out with kids at the park. Publications Hutchins., T. Allen., L & Schefer., M (2017) Using the Theory of Mind Inventory to Detect a Broad Range of Theory of Mind Challenges in Children with Hearing Loss: A Pilot Study Deafness & Education International (Published online 2017.01.23) Allen, L. & Simpson Allen, J (2012) What can a parent and professional do in a home-based program when they do not have a lot of “therapy” toys? In W. Estabrooks (Ed.), 101 Frequently Asked Questions About Auditory-Verbal Practice (pp.93-97). Washington DC: The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Plus numerous articles for professional and parent publications such as Bulletin (SLT magazine) and BATOD (Teacher of the Deaf magazine). Lyndsey works Wednesday between 10am-12pm. Email: [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences