Optimal language acquisition depends upon engaged parents 56,57,58,59. Permanent hearing loss extending beyond the early school-age years without adequate auditory stimulation may result in significant re-organisation of the brain, with additional areas of the auditory cortex becoming involved in visual processing56,60. If parents desire listening and spoken language outcomes for their child with hearing loss, a communication approach that emphasises early development of auditory brain pathways through listening and spoken language is necessary6,60.


The Auditory Verbal approach puts families at the centre of the programme


The Auditory Verbal approach puts families at the centre of the programme which is focused on parent coaching. The Listening and Spoken Language Specialist Auditory Verbal Therapist (LSLS CertAVT) has been trained to develop individualised programmes to meet both the needs of the child and the learning style of the parent(s). Therapists at AVUK are involved in programmes of continuous professional development and are skilled in supporting parents through their child’s communication journey.

Over the last two years, AVUK has contributed to the International Family Centred Early Intervention for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (FCEI-DHH) Consensus Panel in reviewing the FCEI-DHH Principles first published in 201361.These are due to be published in late 2023.

A Danish study of parental perceptions of Auditory Verbal therapy found that almost all participants showed increased confidence in their ability to support the development of their child’s listening and spoken language as a result of participating in an Auditory Verbal therapy programme62. This finding is in line with the findings of Wolfe et al (2021)26 This level of parental self-efficacy is consistent with that of the parents on our Auditory Verbal therapy programme at Auditory Verbal UK, with 97% of parents reporting that they felt confident in using Auditory Verbal techniques in their everyday life.


97% of parents report they felt confident using Auditory Verbal techniques in their everyday life


Partnerships between parents and professionals are essential. A primary school in Newham, East London, with deaf provision, heard about the work being done by AVUK helping deaf children fulfil their potential and wanted to explore how they could further support deaf children entering education. AVUK provided training to staff at the school, which serves an area of high deprivation, helping them put families at the centre of their work and supporting parents and caregivers in learning how to make the most of every language opportunity. The headteacher at the time noted that training in and using Auditory Verbal therapy supported stronger relationships with parents and, together with staff, they became partners in supporting deaf children develop listening and spoken language in everyday activities. 


David’s story


“AVUK changed our lives. It has been the best intervention for David’s speech, language, socialisation and development skills and AVUK has been amazing so helpful and supportive every step of the way.” - David’s Mum, Irina.

David smiling to camera