In service training An economical way for managers to train their whole team. We come to you and over an agreed number of days deliver a combination of 90-minute modules from our menu of Auditory Verbal therapy topics. The aim is that attendees will hone their analytical skills and learn practical ways to implement immediate changes into their practice. How does it work? Our in-service training packages are delivered by an LSLS certified Auditory Verbal therapist. In-service training packages are made up of modules each lasting 90 minutes. We work alongside centres or individual therapists to create a package which fits learning needs. Foundation modules (marked below with an asterisk) are recommended parts of the package. Other modules form part of the package as need and interest dictate. The 90-minute modules are designed as tasters on each topic. Each can be expanded into longer workshops as need and interest dictates. Modules Auditory Verbal therapy (AVT) in Action * What is Auditory Verbal therapy?* Key Concepts in AVT * AVT Techniques * Parental Engagement * Audiology for Therapists Auditory Development Assessment Components of a Typical AVT Session * Planning for the AVT session (Must be taken in conjunction with Module #11) Planning for and delivering the AVT session (Must be taken in conjunction with Module #10) Introduction to Speech Acoustics Speech Development Working with Babies AVT and children with cochlear implants Auditory rehabilitation for post-lingually deafened children Social Interactions in hearing impaired children The transition from sign language AVT and Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) Bilateral implantation Advisory sessions & short courses In addition to the modular training outlined above, we are also able to deliver a choice of advisory sessions and/or any of our advertised short-courses on an inset basis. Programme advisory sessions These sessions provide guidance to individuals and/or centres on the programmes they provide. They answer questions around ways to implement the principles of the AVT approach into individual or centre-wide practice. Professionals working in the field will gain clarity on programme management issues which impact on their own service delivery, and ways to manage these. Topics may include: clinical organisation assessment management caseload management record keeping liaison with other agencies developing therapy protocols Career development advisory sessions These sessions provide guidance to professionals on career development. Professionals will learn more about requirements to become certified as an Auditory Verbal therapist, and options to meet those requirements. Participants will leave the session with a clear plan for their career as Auditory Verbal therapists. Topics may include: working towards certification record keeping core competencies - an overview the mentoring process the AVUK mentoring package Short courses We can deliver any of our advertised short-courses off site. This could be to a single department, or a group of departments who are not necessarily in the same organisation. For example, we have delivered inset training to a mixed group of SLTs, audiologists and ToDs for one authority and to a group of ToDs from neighbouring boroughs. This is an ideal way to minimise staff travel costs and maximise your training budget by sharing the cost. It was a very helpful day and will have a legacy of progress within our broad team. Duration: Variable according to individual requirementsCost: £950 per day, per trainer (plus travel expenses, subsistence and accommodation if applicable). Detailed costings will be agreed before the training commences.CEUs: Dependent on the training delivered Funding options As a charity, we are often able to provide bursaries for individuals to attend courses or to deliver training in specific topics. So please do get in touch by emailing [email protected] if you would like more information on how we can help. Manage Cookie Preferences