Almost two weeks ago Chris and Steve took on the gruelling 26.2 mile London Marathon to raise money and awareness for Auditory Verbal UK.

Both did an amazing job and made everyone at AVUK very proud and we had lots of fun cheering them on outside our London centre at mile 11.5.

Here, Chris tells us how he found his first marathon:

“Done! I’m one toe nail lighter, and stairs were pretty much a no-go option for a few days, but 26.2 miles have been ticked off.

Now, I’d be lying if I said I loved every minute of it… There was a dark moment around mile 15 when I was staring down another 10+ miles with very little in the tank, and I was in danger of being overtaken by a guy dressed as a post-box. However, the experience was fantastic. The crowd are with you all the way round, and the sense of achievement (and relief…) when you finally stagger over the line is overwhelming.

However, for me the highlight was running past the hardcore contingent of AVUK team and supporters between miles 11 and 12. That give me the biggest boost of the day, and the chance to reflect on why it was I was running and raising funds.

I feel hugely privileged to have had the opportunity to run the marathon on behalf of Auditory Verbal UK. The work they do is incredible and the amount of funding they have to do it with is very limited. I know that both Steve and I who ran for them hope that what we raised can help further that great work. And… if you wanted to add a little more to that, then there is always the chance to here.

Thanks so much to AVUK and to you for all the support!”