“They bring out the best in me”: Every one of the deaf children we help at Auditory Verbal UK is an inspiration and here their families tell us why…


Sarosha is now 18 years old. She was diagnosed with a hearing loss at nine months old and was fitted with her first cochlear implant at almost two years old. She had a second fitted just before her seventh birthday.

Sarosha, along with her parents Dominic and Shamim, first visited Auditory Verbal UK when she was a year old and stayed with the programme until she was nearly four.

Now, Sarosha is studying at the University of Exeter.

Her proud family said: “A world without barriers was what we wanted for our daughter Sarosha when we learnt she had been born profoundly deaf.

“Now, nearly nineteen years later, that ambition is very much a reality. She is studying for a degree in English and Psychology at the University of Exeter.

“As well as her studies, she's been busy getting elected as trip secretary for the university climbing club and representing the university in skiing competitions. In her first two terms alone, she's been busy travelling with two trips to France and now she is setting her sights much further afield with plans for a study year abroad as part of her degree.”

Zack and Dylan

Twins Zack and Dylan Pezzuto were born with severe to profound hearing loss in July 2011 in New York.

They were fitted with bilateral cochlear implants at 6 months old and began Auditory Verbal Therapy in New York. Two years later the family moved to the UK and joined Auditory Verbal UK's programme.

Now aged seven, the boys speak fluent English and Italian and are learning Korean through their love of martial arts.

Their mum Deborah said: Zack and Dylan inspire us because they had a tough start of their life and they used all their abilities to reach the level of their peers.

“They work hard and they always smile. They are proud of who they are. They work every single day to reach a new goal and when they reach it, it’s like they are touching the sky. They never take anything for granted.”

Dhyana and Khush

Dhyana and Khush are both profoundly deaf and successfully graduated from Auditory Verbal UK when they were younger. Dhyana, 15, and Khush, eight, are now attending mainstream schools and are excelling in a range of hobbies.

Their mum Bhavika said: “Dhyana and Khush inspire me because they have a great positive attitude and an incredible fighting spirit. They confidently embrace their deafness but do not let it hold them back.

“They have a fantastic belief that they can achieve anything they want and they work really hard to reach their goals! They make the most of the opportunities that they have and always aspire to do their best.

“I am always impressed at how well they take challenges in their stride and I admire the determination, courage and resilience with which they integrate into mainstream life! They are able to achieve academically alongside their hearing peers and sometimes even excel them.

“They also have interests in sports, music and the arts. Dhyana is doing the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, plays the violin and does classical Indian dancing. Khush does cricket and tennis and plays the piano.

“It is truly remarkable how far they have come, and it is heartwarming to see them being able to do all the "regular" things a 15 and 8 year old do! They bring out the best in me by making me a better mum and a better person. I feel truly blessed to have them in my life."

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