We've put together some tips for creating scary spiders with your little ones this Halloween! It's a fun and creative activity that you can enjoy whilst developing language. 


- Paper plate
- 4 Pipe cleaners
- Googly eyes
- Coloured pencil/crayons
- Glue
- Scissors
- Sellotape

Step One 

Colour in your paper plate with your crayon or pencil.

Step Two

Cut your pipe-cleaners in half and stick them to the sides of the plate with the tape.

Step Three

Stick on as many googly eyes as you like with the glue.

Language tip #1


Make a plan! Before you get the materials out tell your child what you are going to make and what you will need.

Language tip #2


Make problems to create opportunities for your child to use their language.
Eg: The glue lid is stuck.
The pencil is broken.
Talk through these problems together.

Language tip #3


Sing Incy-Wincy Spider together.  Leave gaps for your child to fill in.
“Down came the rain and washed the spider…(out)”

We hope you have fun creating your very scary Halloween spiders! We certainly did...