I write this blog as I carry out my training to climb Mount Elbrus, one of the Seven Summits, and the highest point in Europe. I am currently undertaking breathing and fitness training, to prepare for when I experience lower levels of oxygen at different altitudes.

As a young ambassador of AVUK, last year I decided to trek to Everest base camp to raise money for the charity.

I am inspired to carry on climbing to raise even more awareness of this charity. I have decided to further challenge myself, and climb the highest point on every continent.

My brother was born with profound bilateral hearing loss and received therapy through AVUK when he was just 8 months old. He now is at University and is able to communicate at the same level as his peers thanks to Auditory Verbal therapy. As an ambassador I continue to support the work AVUK has done for my brother and other deaf children.

The climb will be tough, but with the motivation and the right mind-set to keep going, and the correct training, my challenge will be on the right path. I am looking forward to this trip and I am excited to be up in the mountains again.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far! If you would like to continue to support the work that AVUK does, click here.