With little to no provision of Auditory Verbal therapy currently available through the NHS or publicly funded services, Auditory Verbal UK (AVUK) is the only UK-wide charity that provides this support directly to deaf children and their families. We provide a programme of support for deaf children across the UK whose families want them to learn to listen and talk.    

As a not-for-profit organisation, we fundraise to cover the costs of providing this support to families. We ask families to make a contribution to this cost based on household income, with the remaining balance funded by donations from our generous supporters. We receive no funding from central government. 

Nearly 80% of families on our programme receive financial support through the bursary scheme.

Should you not qualify for a bursary or require further financial help, we offer support to find other financial options you can apply for.  

Some families have been able to secure partial or full funding to join the programme from other charitable trusts and organisations, for example the Moondance Foundation has supported families in Wales, and the Birkdale Trust has also supported families with grants. Other families have secured funding based on, for example, their employment, geographic location or specific circumstances of their child. 

Some families have received support with funding from their local authority through their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Click here to find out more.  

We have a dedicated team who can provide support and answer any questions you might have about the bursary scheme or other financial options. Contact us on [email protected] or call 01869 325 000. 


Initial (first) appointments

All families must have an initial appointment before they can enrol for regular sessions. The fee for this appointment is £100.

Thanks to generous donations made in memory of Claire Campbell, former Chair of Trustees and passionate advocate of Auditory Verbal UK, we are able to provide two initial appointments at no cost, each month, for those families who need it most.   


Ad hoc appointments

Ad hoc appointments are also available for families. These one-off appointments last for approximately 60 minutes.

Booking an ad hoc appointment may be appropriate if you:

  • are looking for further advice and strategies;
  • would like to check your child's spoken language progress using a standardised assessment;
  • would like an informal check of your child's spoken language progress;
  • are concerned about a big transition, for example, starting secondary school;
  • have any particular concerns about your child’s social development or interactions.

These appointments are charged at £180 per session for UK based families and £260 for international families. There is an extra charge for assessment reports. Contact us on [email protected] for more information.