Although we work primarily in the UK, there are parents all over Europe who wish for their deaf children to access an Auditory Verbal therapy programme. These determined and dedicated parents give birth to some fantastic projects that Auditory VerbalUK have been lucky enough to be involved in. Some of these are listed below.
Malta is a small island in the heart of the Mediterranean and has a long history of partnerships and working in collaboration with the UK. Like any other small country, ensuring state-of-the-art technology and services is a challenge. Nevertheless a team of highly dedicated professionals in Malta have seen the technological era of cochlear implants become a reality over the last few years. Read more
Following our successful workshop on auditory verbal therapy for parents of children with permanent hearing loss in Belfast during April 2013, we were approached by Our New Ears to to host an online chat for Irish parents to ask questions about AVT in January 2014. Our New Ears has been a driving force in Ireland for support for deaf children. Read more
Children with a hearing loss have access to specialist speech and language therapy and teacher of the deaf visits. Prior to the project auditory verbal therapy (AVT) had not been discussed as an option for parents with a baby born with a hearing loss. Read more